Miles Khan

Apr 15, 2024

What are some best on-page SEO techniques?

Shahid Maqbool

Answered on Apr 15, 2024

Hello Miles!

You asked about good ways to optimize your website pages for better Google rankings. Here are some top tips:

1) Use keywords wisely - Include the important words people search for in the page title, headings, image descriptions and main content. But don't overdo it.

2) Make great content - Create very thorough, helpful information pages that answer what people are looking for. Break up text into short paragraphs with subheadings.

3) Optimize pictures - Give images simple file names that describe them. Also, add text descriptions explaining each image.

4) Use simple URLs - Make the page URL short and use words related to that page's topic.

5) Link to other pages - Add clickable links from one page to other good pages on your website.

6) Write good titles/descriptions - Have a clear, descriptive title and summary shown in Google.

7) Make pages load fast - Compress files and enable caching so pages load quickly on all devices.

The main things are using keywords naturally, providing an excellent user experience, and making sure Google can easily understand and access all your pages.


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